TRuML custom exceptions (truml.rbexceptions)

Custom exceptions for TRuML

exception truml.rbexceptions.NoModelsException(s)

Raised when no models are detected either in the command line arguments or the filesystem

exception truml.rbexceptions.NoMoleculesException(s)

Raised when no molecule definitions are found (likely due to incorrect TRuML argument)

exception truml.rbexceptions.NotAMoleculeException(s)

Raised when a string is expected to, but does not, conform to molecule syntax

exception truml.rbexceptions.NotCompatibleException(s)

Raised when a BNGL string or model cannot be converted to Kappa

exception truml.rbexceptions.NotConvertedException(s)

Raised when a string (if required) has not been converted to Kappa compatible syntax

exception truml.rbexceptions.UnknownMoleculeTypeException(s)

Raised when a Molecule instance has no known corresponding MoleculeDef