======== Tutorial ======== Upon installation TRuML can be used from the command line by invoking the ``truml`` command with various options. All options can be seen with the command: :command:`truml -h` Converting from Kappa to BNGL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to convert a model written in Kappa syntax to BNGL syntax, run the following command: :command:`truml -k model.ka` where ``model.ka`` is the Kappa model of interest. Converting from BNGL to Kappa ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Converting from BNGL to Kappa is similarly straightforward: :command:`truml -b model.bngl` Verbose conversion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default settings are to output warnings to the terminal. To enable a slightly more verbose output, describing the various steps in translation, the ``-v`` flag is available. Output useful for debugging is available by using the ``-d`` flag. This output can be redirected to a file by specifying a file name after the ``-l`` flag.